Thursday, January 21, 2010


Some human habits make me frown,
like kicking someone when he's down.
I never experienced the sick thrilling
when winning turns into happy killing.

Now Haiti got struck by an earthquake,
vultures appearing openly in its wake.
Ten thousand US soldiers took over the land
and deny giving helpers a hand.

This action has so much appeal -
bringing the guns to heal.
The tears will stop flowing
once the bullets start glowing.

But it's not over yet for humanity,
just another case of temporary insanity.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Swift destruction of human rights

Scope of Application
Conduct Pertaining to Terrorism or Terrorist Financing
This Agreement applies to the obtaining and use of financial payment messaging and related data with a view to the prevention, investigation, detection, or prosecution of:
(a) Acts of a person or entity that involve violence, or are otherwise dangerous to human life or create a risk of damage to property or infrastructure, and which, given their nature and context, are reasonably believed to be committed with the aim of:
(i) intimidating or coercing a population;
(ii) intimidating, compelling, or coercing a government or international organisation to act or abstain from acting;
(iii) seriously destabilising or destroying the fundamental political, constitutional, economic, or social structures of a country or an international organisation;
(b) A person or entity assisting, sponsoring, or providing financial, material, or technological support for, or financial or other services to or in support of, acts described in subparagraph (a);
(c) A person or entity aiding, abetting, or attempting acts described in subparagraphs (a) or (b).
Have a look at paragraph (a)(ii). Compelling the government to act or abstain from acting is now terrorism. Protesting against wars in Afghanistan or Iraq? Terrorism. Protesting to make politicians accountable for their failings? Terrorism. Asking the government to end the Intervention? Terrorism. Asking the government to abstain from internet censorship? Terrorism. Protest against environmental rape such as Tasmania deforestation? Terrorism.

Politicos from the US, EU, Japan and Australia agreed on this declaration, which makes any form of civil movement (trying to compel governments and corporations to act responsibly) an act of terrorism. Even worse, anyone involved in organising a rally, the rental services providing PA's and transport, poster printers and distributors, stage hands, caterers, etc all can be treated like terrorists according to paragraph (b).

The war on citizens is it an advanced stage, now the US, Japan, EU and Australia join their efforts in criminalizing democratic methods. You might want to invest in Serco, one of the 'public' private partners that runs many of Australia's internment camps, among other public services. Or talk to your neighbor about ways to get rid of a fascist government without military intervention. Or dream on about living in a democratic state. Or follow your orders without thinking. Or distract yourself with sex, drugs and rock'n'roll. Or hope for an alien intervention to stop global corporatism. Or taking more responsibility for your action. Or do what you want.

Rules don't need to make sense to be enforced. Welcome to the corporatist 21st century, the post-democratic era.
You can still make me mad,
and even terribly sad.
But it's me feeling that,
it doesn't go on your hat.

It still looks like a pile of shite,
all this talking about not feeling right,
but it's you that chooses your fate,
and who is or is not your mate.

There were only few
to show me something new -
one of them was you,
well, that's now through.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry
after this very, very weird good-bye.
So I sit back and relax,
and reminisce some soggy sex.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

23 skidoo

You know, five equals six,
which explains so many tricks.
Both born of two and three,
they get along merrily.

They join in eleven,
pretty close to heaven,
the game of one on one
which brings so much fun.

In a universe of unity
this is the holy trinity
of body, mind and soul
linked by pure rock'n'roll.

Know your ciphers, play them well,
get them wrong, and go to hell.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

"My choices, believe me, are infinite, easy.
Exciting and mystical choices before me.
They tell me my life is a journey in no government."

Nicolette dares to dream about a time with no government, while this thought alone suffices to induce night mares and fear reaction in most people. However, would really so much change without government?

The promises of Certainty and Stability lure a lot of people into the firm belief in the necessity of government. The only certainty government brings is taxes, death comes for free. Stability is an illusion that contradicts human experience - again, death is the only 'stabilizing' factor in human experience.

Of course, people will die with no government as well. Building and maintaining communal infrastructure doesn't come for free either, but that's not an issue. Most people don't mind contributing to their community, unfortunately they trust governments to use their money wisely. Using the infrastructure built by taxes often costs extra: You still pay for Medicare, public transport, education and pension.

Many deaths could be avoided, though. Most obviously, those caused by the temporary insanity of governments called war. But governments have no power to shape society (unless they aim for fascism), they are just pawns of the global corporations. The legal systems of this planet empowered corporations to act in sheer self-interest, literally allowing them to walk over dead bodies.

Yet, no battle can and will bring down the sinister partnership of government and corporations. Only the desire for freedom opens the eyes for the uselessness of government. It doesn't take the saviour to dispel evil, it takes the will to responsibility from citizens to stop financing the useless and cruel game of party politics.

Any government that hides anything can not be trusted with anything. Do you rather trust your neighbor or a set of conventions to enslave the majority of people?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Mankind has a special tool,
a time-binding mind,
truely one of a kind.

Even the biggest fool,
no matter what season,
can claim to use reason.

But our minds do not create,
they just cleverly reiterate
their fear, guilt and shame
and desire for a bit of fame.

Your mind's constant strive
can take over your entire life -
while just a bit of silence
will end this inner violence.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The only man who behaves sensibly is my taylor; he takes my measures anew each time he sees me, whilst all the rest go on with their old measurement and expect them to fit me.

The origin of this work was a functional definition of 'man', based on an analysis of uniquely human potentialities; namely, that each generation may begin where the former left off. This characteristic I called the 'time-binding' capacity. We need not blind ourselves with the old dogma that 'human nature cannot be changed', for we find that it can be changed. We must begin to realize our potentialities as humans, then we may approach the future with some hope.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Before the Christian era, there existed two royal roads into the unconscious: religion (meaning group experience) and sex, and these two were commonly combined. With the establishment of the Christian Church, the road of sex was closed to traffic, and the road of religion was heavily policed. The Protestant Church, without opening the road of sex, gradually denatured the religious ceremonies until they offered little appeal to the unconscious. Today, the position has been substantially reversed: many people have abandoned the pursuit of religious experience, so that sex remains for them the only route to the unconscious. It is this which gives sex its disproportionate importance in our films, books and newspapers, and as a subject of gossip; this is why the perverted and anti-social manifestations today emerge as sexual crimes rather than in forms sanctioned by religion, such as flagellation. Always coupled with Eros we find Thanatos, for the penalty of failure to love and create is the irresistible need to hate and destroy.

G. Rattray Taylor

Friday, January 08, 2010

Other perspectives

The police force with more legal rights to abuse citizens than any police force in Nazi Germany is pissed off. Unlike in Nazi Germany, they cannot yet protect their citizens from outrageous opinions provided by enemy propaganda on the internet. How on earth does one of a billion Indians dare to ridicule the moral superiority and integrity and heroism and holiness of Victoria Police?

According to Victorian law, all citizens are potential suspects and will be treated as such. Of course, this likens them rather to the Gestapo than to the KKK, but let's face it: Racism is deeply ingrained into the white Australian culture.

Australia's history starts with the First Fleet, although the genocide of the indigenous population is still part of government policy. The Intervention tries to wipe out traces of the first cultures that lived on this continent, creating a retroactive 'terra nulla'.

Diversity is the arch-enemy of tyranny, so the first advise to any potential immigrant is to 'assimilate'. The open arms that embraced (or rather the fists that punched) newcomers indeed fostered a multi-cultural Australia: Being pseudo-english-american isn't appealing to many, which helped conserving some of immigrants cultural inheritances.

Unless you're Michael Jackson, you cannot change the colour of your skin, which limits the amount of potential assimilation. As social beings, humans need contact, and when the 'dominating' group has only minor interest in integrating newcomers, minority 'ghettos' florish. Indians hang out with other Indians, Vietnamese with other Vietnamese, and so on. Not as a general rule, just as more probable choice.

Outbreaks of individual violence don't surprise in a society that cherishes and uses violence abundantly. Australian military contributes to death and destruction, ASIO sets up patsies to justify more police state, the courts go in line and send people for thought crimes in jail. Even starving refugees, from conflict zones Australia is immediately involved, on their vessels on sea sounds appealing to many Australians.

There is something wrong with this cartoon. The symbolism is a bit mixed up. The general message: Watch your police holds more than true. Democracy does no longer exist in a police state.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

It is the human situation that is bssically tragic. Right and Left revolutionaries cannot alter this basic dilemma. For instance, the most readical Left-wing group has no program to overcome death. The entire Right-Left establishment is still death-oriented.

Man is ignorant of the nature of his own being and powers. Even his idea of his limitations is based on experience of the past. There is therefore no reason to assign theoretical limits to what he may be, or what he may do.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Above all things, practise yourself in good humor, this is of all human qualities the most amiable and endearing to society.

Secrecy is the original sin Fig leaf in the garden of Eden. The basic crime against love... The purpose of life is to receive, synthesize and transmit energy. Communication fusion is the goal of life. Any star can tell you that. Communication is love. Secrecy, withholding the signal, hoarding, hiding, covering up the light is motivated by shame and fear.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

No one knows whether the cessation of the waste radiation of atomic energy exploitation or the cessation of coal and shaole conversion into fluid fuel will occur in time to permit the physical continuance of humans on planet Earth. What we do know however, as we have previously stated, is (1) that with the unselfish use of technology, it is now possible to care of all humanity at a higher standard of living than any have ever experienced and do so on a sustaining basis by employing only our daily energy income from Sun and gravity and (2) that we can do so in time to permit the healthy continuance of humans on planet Earth.

This quote, which actually explictly refers to the 'greenhouse effect', the 'cause' of Global warming, dates back to 1981. Nuff said.

Monday, January 04, 2010

The State - all it has, it has stolen!
It even bites with stolen teeth!

Constitutions are utterly worthless to restrain the tyranny of governments, unless it be understood that the people will by force compel the government to remain within constitutional limits. Practically speaking, no government knows any limit to its power except the endurance of the people.

A government which takes your money by force like a common thief will use this stolen money to further enslave you and to prevent any rebellion on your part.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

The universe wants to play. Those who refuse out of dry spiritual greed and choose pure contemplation forfeit their humanity - those who refuse out of dull anguish, those who hesitate, lose their chance of divinity - those who mold them themselves blind masks of ideas and thrash around seeking some proof of their own solidity end by seeing out of dead man's eyes.

Saturday, January 02, 2010


The first decade has passed by
and I cannot stop to wonder why
it's still the old momentum
that haunts the new millennium.

Technology has progressed,
not only for the best -
surveillance and prison industry
thrive best on human misery.

Sinister forces do their destructive work,
not just since planes crashed in New York.
What is now known as freedom and democracy
only disguises the fascist corporate reality.

Will I see the next revolution
of conscious human evolution?