Sunday, April 11, 2010

Religion made the terrible mistake when it consigned the body to the "lower" physical world while the soul was lifted to the "higher" spiritual realm. A functioning soul is not so different from a functioning body. Both are involved in the same things - awareness and energy - that make life possible. "I am my body" and "I am my soul" are two faces of the same truth. The problem is that we have lost contact with the soul. It wasn't created to be useless, we made it that way.

Friday, April 09, 2010

One purpose of chaos, paradox, nonsense, and absurdity is to set itself against the linear world. These are not meant to take the place of linear knowledge or functions, but to act as a point of focus calling our attention and awareness to the something(s) which the linear model has missed, thus breathing new life into the predictable.

Further, our non-linear models help us to see old facts in new and exciting ways. If there is a summum bonum it lies in reformulation and utility in the service of tolerating more of the unknown. The function of Monotheism is to control the anxiety created by the unknown. Monotheism is a form of glue which attempts to hold an expanding world together.