Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Universal human rights

Mensch has the right to life by her/his own law.
Mensch has the right to life in the way sHe wills to do.
Mensch has the right to dress as sHe wills to do.
Mensch has the right to dwell where sHe wills to dwell.
Mensch has the right to move as sHe will on the face of this Earth.
Mensch has the right to eat what sHe will.
Mensch has the right to drink what sHe will.
Mensch has the right to think what sHe will.
Mensch has the right to speak as sHe will.
Mensch has the right to mould as sHe will.
Mensch has the right to carve as sHe will.
Mensch has the right to work as sHe will.
Mensch has the right to rest as sHe will.
Mensch has the right to love as sHe will, where, when and with whom he will.
Mensch has the right to die how and when sHe will.
Mensch has the right to kill those who would thwart these rights.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Global warming has hit the heisen-ice-berg. Global media spreads a meme that implements a low-threshold fear activator in the hive mind. The observer influences the experiment, the amount of life energy invested can amplify these influences.

Internet, TV, radio and other forms of information transmission promote this global fear straight to the reptilian brain, plug it straight into the sub-consciousness. The dominators keep the meme alive by constant repetition, the fear based economy thrives.

Billions of people synchronise their fear with symbolic events like rock concerts or lights-out events and create a massive amount of energy around the vision of a hotter planet. The observer influences the experiment, SBS reports accelarating global warming.

What would happen if billions of people join their energy to abolish the systems of violence the dominators use? Would Bucky Fullers dream come true and every human being could participate in the abundance offered by our living planet?

I wonder whether I should laugh or cry when I see successful application of the secret on a larger scale for dubious reasons.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


grounded, skyhooked.
totally underbooked.

moving in circles
growing in size
completing the cycles
letting light rise.

time stands still,
with a sweet flow
syncing at will
let your heart glow.

Let the rhythm take you in
let the fun of freedom begin
Nothing is as it seems,
dare to live your own dreams -
grounded, skyhooked.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Meaning can only be made after you have destroyed the search for meaning itself.

Tarot is a working model for the Multidimensional Self. Each card reflects a facet of who we are. A deck of cards is a neurological autobiography. The deck you design, in order to ring true, will have to communicate what is true to your own Central Nervous System and not just our socially, conditioned assumptions... The Fool that persists in his folly becomes wise.

Monday, September 14, 2009

All violence is the result of people tricking themselves [...] into believing that their pain derives from other people and that consequently those people deserve to be punished.

Friday, September 11, 2009

In the lives of early hominides, accidental death would like have been commonplace. Whatever the fatal maimings and disembowelments. however, and whatever the sense of no-moreness, a concept of death as inveitable, as mine, and as the lot of all living creatures would not have been thereby grasped. On the contrary, there might well have been a vague sense that "barring such a fate, I will go on 'forever'" In other words, only with experiences of natural death might the concept of death have taken root. Only through such experiences might it have been realized that a certain nullifying fate was inevitable and mine.

In the appearance of the-Other-in-death, a no-moreness of similarity is set against a persistence of similarity. It is of course an initial sense of likeness that awakens both - the still resonating and the dilute similarity of self to Other.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

What do you turn on, when you turn on?

The basic rhythm of the galaxy is turn on, turn off... Free energy, structure, release/control, turn on/turn off, the oscillating rhythm of turn on/turn off... Expansion-contraction... Turn on... turn off... The body breathing to the old basic rhythm, turn on/turn off, open/close, in/out, contract/release, speed up/slow down, get free/get hooked
the cellular trip is through the body...

What do you turn on, when you turn on?

The proportions remain astronomical, the mammalian body, the human body, incomprehensively galactic, trillions of cells centering around structured organs, all interconnected, humming with market transactions, weather reports, pollution ratings, stellate arterials, watery canals jammed with plasma planets, humicological mysnerian clusters, white corpuscle comets, endorphan spaceships commuting, a whole monstrous galaxy breathing through terrestrial networks of living forms, all in communication, an 18-inch layer of slime covering a metal-rock planet, and every isolated organism around a 25,000 mile breathing diamater, in close connection with the one hold, the biological web...

What do you turn on, when you turn on?

Reincarnation center, densely packed genetic energy, and outwardbound from this compressed center, a web of molecules weaving the cellular fabric, exchanging, expanding, looking into the organic networks surrounding...

What do you turn on, when you turn on?

The cerebral headquarters ring by a sensory duline of a billion cell stations receiving and transmitting energies from within, and from without the somatic galaxy, the common sense organs: odor, taste, touch, balance, temperature, posture, movement, lightwaves, nightwaves, soundwaves, each sense organ operates on the same rhythm, on/off, open/up, close/down..,

What do you turn on, when you turn on?

Alternating current...while the body galaxy centers on a tightly compact DNA strand, every organ consolation within the body zodiac orbits around the brain, the brain- galactic headquarters of the nervous system, filling corporial space with flasing electric messages, out and back, off on, synaptic conversation, becoming amino acid architects snuggly protected in miniaturized general motor plant engineering cell chambers, design more and more complex fischer bodies.

What do you turn on, when you turn on?

This year's standard equipment, a 13 billion cell brain hooked up to stereophonic audition receivers, bifocal self-modulating auto tuning retinal video cameras, cell battery powered kinestetic magic eye shock adjusters, gustatory liquid analyzers, lingual pollution detectors, self-regulatory nasal gas traps for analysis and evaluation of very old chemical contentenergy moves, structure captures, around and around floating somatic constellations, cycling, circling...

What do you turn on, when you turn on?

The major structures have been identified for millenia by astro-biologists, philosopher priests, healers, observers of the fleshly heavens.

What do you turn on, when you turn on?

Each unit of energy in this cosmic dance, charged with attraction, repulsion forces pulling towards, escaping from, intensely contracted nuclear energy at galactic center explodes, scattering suns, hurdling out across one million light years, each stellar fragment, itself highly charged, spins through web fabric fields of radiant energy...

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

.. what is of moment is not movement per se but the fleshy reality of being entwined in being. If movement at times enthralls, it is the touch of flesh on flesh which carries enthralldom. Its dynamics are felt on the common ground of a shared tactility. Thus, my movements are not experienced as kinetic figures but as tactile patterns upon the other. Similarly, the other's movements ride a tactile strand of flesh coiled on flesh, that is, they arouse me not because of their kinetic quality per se, but because their intensities and rhythms are tactilely revealed to me.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

The use of these abusive methods violates international hu-
man rights standards. The likely illegality of the program was
known to the agency and debated within the agency. Those ad-
vocating for the use of abusive techniques such as waterboard-
ing should have known that the US had prosecuted these same
techniques as torture. Health professionals who were involved
in its justification, design and implementation should have
known that professional ethics prohibit health professionals
from complicity in such harmful acts against prisoners or de-
tainees. It is precisely to avoid such complicity that health pro-
fessionals have recourse to professional codes of ethics, as well
as international standards of medical conduct. Familiarity with
these codes – not to mention basic human decency – should
preclude such conduct, making clear to health professionals
and government institutions both its essentially unethical na-
ture and illegal status under international law.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Sunday, September 06, 2009

How to lose touch with reality

Words cannot handle global experiences well. Language breaks apart rich, complicated global experiences into relatively impoverished component parts.

[F]or the young child, language creates a wide gulf between a familiar nonverbal world of experience and a new world of words. This schism is confusing and at times painful. For the first time in its short life, a young child has to hold on two different versions of the same event. Life will now be lived more in parallel. The simple wholeness of experience has been broken, the verbal and non-verbal constructions of experience will live together all the same.

We come back down to earth and recontact that original ground which gave us our first footings and which has never actually disappared but has only been buried under a vainglorious and myopic view of languge. Weaning ourselves away from the thought that all thought is language-dependent, and equally, from language-dependent thought, we wean ourselves away from a basically object- or substance-tethered metaphysics. In turn, we afford ourselves the possibility of grasping the momentous significance of movement and change, and of attaining to a metaphysics quintessentially attuned to the dynamic nature of an animate world and animate forms. A process metaphysics accurately describes the natural world, the living forms that inhabit it, and the natural contours of life itself. Thinking in movement is not only coincident with the metaphysics, it is the methodological point of departure for its formulation.

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Thursday, September 03, 2009

Role of Health Professionals in Torture

Health professionals played central roles in developing, im-
plementing and providing justification for torture.

Health professionals in the Office of Medical Services and
psychologist contractors engaged in designing and monitoring
harmful interrogation techniques. Such medical participation
in torture is a clear violation of medical ethics. Furthermore,
health professionals were complicit in selecting and then ra-
tionalizing these abusive methods whose safety and efficacy
in eliciting accurate information have no valid basis in sci-
ence. The severe physical and psychological pain and endur-
ing harms associated with these techniques make it evident that
they constitute torture and ill treatment. Monitoring of
interrogation techniques by medical professionals to determine their
effectiveness uses detainees as human subjects without their
consent, and thus also approaches unlawful experimentation.
I don't support torture. Supporting a country that uses its 'health' professionals as part of a system of torture feels like supporting fascism. Heil Obama.

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